Monday, March 29, 2010

Easter Storms

We don't have a good record with Easter weather here in the ArkLaTex. Take last year, for example. Just two days before Easter, a cluster of storms tracked across the region, spinning up 12 tornados. 10 People were injured. It was the worst tornado outbreak in the ArkLaTex since... Easter 2000!

On April 23, 2000, 28 tornados were confirmed by the National Weather Service. 25 people were injured. And just one year earlier, another Easter outbreak spawned three tornados. One of those was rated as a violent F-4. In those three tornados, 7 people died, and 113 were injured.

Oh, yeah, by the way, we're expecting some strong storms to track into the AkLaTex this weekend. So, be prepared.

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